Carolina Oliveira

Dr Carolina Oliveira

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General Medicine and Mental Health

About Me

Dra. Carolina Oliveira atua na medicina há quase 20 anos com uma abordagem preventiva e integrativa, proporcionando um atendimento humanizado e de qualidade que considera o paciente como um todo, levando em conta não apenas os aspectos físicos, mas também os emocionais, mentais e sociais. Ela prima pelo tratamento individualizado e eficaz para a promoção da saúde, do bem-estar dos pacientes e para a prevenção de doenças e o alívio de dores crônicas. Formada pela Universidade José Do Rosario Vellano, Alfenas, MG, Brasil, possui licença médica válida do Conselho Regional da Bahia, Brasil, e está registrada desde 10/2005. CRM BA 17733. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Carolina Oliveira has been working in medicine for 15 years with a preventive and integrative approach. She provides humanized and quality care that considers the patient as a whole, taking into account not only the physical aspects but also the emotional, mental, and social ones. She excels in individualized and effective treatment for promoting the health and well-being of her patients, preventing diseases, and relieving chronic pain. Carolina Oliveira is a dedicated Medical Doctor with extensive experience in Family Practice and Mental Health. She has built a remarkable career, displaying exceptional skills in patient care, diagnosis, and delivering quality medical services. Carolina earned her Medical Doctor degree from the University of Jose Do Rosario Vellano, Alfenas, MG, Brazil. She holds a valid medical license from the Regional Council of Bahia, Brazil, and has been registered since 10/2005.